Is Our Life

Friday, July 13, 2007

pembingku kemana ?? disaat ultah ku

Beberapa hari ini sy di sibukkan dengan suatu masalah masa depan yaitu ?? skripsi Dengan judul "analisa performasi MPEG-4 dan H.264 dalam jaringan wireless" . Dalam hal ini jaringan wireless yang digunakan adalah WCDMA generasi dari UMTS eropa ... Ulang tahunku terpaksa harus di isi dengan bermain dengan Matllab 7.4.0 (R2007a) dan microsoft visual C++ V6. enak baget maen pake dua program itu.

Ultah yang ke 22 ini adalah ultah yang pertama kurayakan selain di rumah . biasanya saya rayaiin di rumah meskipun itu saya ada d surabaya .jember ato d mana aja pasti saya pulang .Untung di bandung ini ada temen2 yang bisa menhibur saya sehingga tidak terlalu menyedihkan

Tp malem ultah ku harus ku relakan seperti gaktidur karena Hp pada bersik, apalagi biner videonya gak klop dengan matrik yang ada pada matlab... wah padahal tinggal itu doang kayaknya deh dan TA ku beres .. masa ada video di run gambarnya acak gt .

paginya masih berputar dengan matlab . dan siang temen2 pada ngejarkom klo sy ultah ... neh ada rejeki ,mudah mudahan sy dapet rejeki balasan dari yang atas deh .haaa..

mau bimbingan ternyata dosen pembimbingku ida wahidah minggu kemarin ternyata ke singapore ..wah.. keren neh .. dan sekarang sedang berangkat ke luar kota ... ibu kapan ku bisa ketemu dunks ... padahal tinggal run neh ... mau tanya parameter coding doang neh .. apa yang harus di ganti .menurutku gak usah diganti gak2 apa ... krn klo mau tracing sih mikin mumet Untuk mpeg-4 dengan software C++ tuh lebih dari 500 file dan lebih dari 10000 sintaks baris ..pokoknya sy gak mau mikirin sintask C++ dan bwt H.264 nya sama aja gak beda jauh sama 10000 baris sintaks .. gawat ...klo emang di pikirin klo gak nanya ntar ganti total bab 4 ku

ada yang mau bantu gak neh gw gasi parameter bwt coding nya :

Encoder H.264 Encoder_main.CFG
Changes for JM 7.5

#Joint Video Team (JVT) of ISO/IEC MPEG & ITU-T VCEG
#(ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 and ITU-T SG16 Q.6)
#23rd Meeting: San Jose, California, USA, 21–27 April, 2007

# New Input File Format is as follows
# = # Comment
# See configfile.h for a list of supported ParameterNames

# Files
InputFile = "foreman_part_qcif.yuv" # Input sequence
InputHeaderLength = 0 # If the inputfile has a header, state it's length in byte here
StartFrame = 0 # Start frame for encoding. (0-N)
FramesToBeEncoded = 2 # Number of frames to be coded
FrameRate = 30.0 # Frame Rate per second (0.1-100.0)
SourceWidth = 176 # Frame width
SourceHeight = 144 # Frame height
TraceFile = "trace_enc.txt"
ReconFile = "test_rec.yuv"
OutputFile = "test.264"

# Encoder Control
ProfileIDC = 77 # Profile IDC (66=baseline, 77=main, 88=extended)
LevelIDC = 30 # Level IDC (e.g. 20 = level 2.0)

IntraPeriod = 3 # Period of I-Frames (0=only first)
IDRIntraEnable = 0 # Force IDR Intra (0=disable 1=enable)
QPISlice = 28 # Quant. param for I Slices (0-51)
QPPSlice = 28 # Quant. param for P Slices (0-51)
FrameSkip = 1 # Number of frames to be skipped in input (e.g 2 will code every third frame)
ChromaQPOffset = 0 # Chroma QP offset (-51..51)
UseHadamard = 1 # Hadamard transform (0=not used, 1=used)
SearchRange = 16 # Max search range
NumberReferenceFrames = 5 # Number of previous frames used for inter motion search (1-16)
PList0References = 0 # P slice List 0 reference override (0 disable, N <= NumberReferenceFrames)
Log2MaxFrameNum = 4 # Sets log2_max_frame_num_minus4 (0-3 : based on FramesToBeEncoded, >3 : Log2MaxFrameNum - 4)
MbLineIntraUpdate = 0 # Error robustness(extra intra macro block updates)(0=off, N: One GOB every N frames are intra coded)
RandomIntraMBRefresh = 0 # Forced intra MBs per picture
InterSearch16x16 = 1 # Inter block search 16x16 (0=disable, 1=enable)
InterSearch16x8 = 1 # Inter block search 16x8 (0=disable, 1=enable)
InterSearch8x16 = 1 # Inter block search 8x16 (0=disable, 1=enable)
InterSearch8x8 = 1 # Inter block search 8x8 (0=disable, 1=enable)
InterSearch8x4 = 1 # Inter block search 8x4 (0=disable, 1=enable)
InterSearch4x8 = 1 # Inter block search 4x8 (0=disable, 1=enable)
InterSearch4x4 = 1 # Inter block search 4x4 (0=disable, 1=enable)
UseFME = 0 # Use fast motion estimation (0=disable, 1=enable)

# B Slices

NumberBFrames = 1 # Number of B coded frames inserted (0=not used)
QPBSlice = 30 # Quant. param for B slices (0-51)
BRefPicQPOffset = 0 # Quantization offset for reference B coded pictures (-51..51)
DirectModeType = 1 # Direct Mode Type (0:Temporal 1:Spatial)
DirectInferenceFlag = 1 # Direct Inference Flag (0: Disable 1: Enable)
BList0References = 0 # B slice List 0 reference override (0 disable, N <= NumberReferenceFrames)
BList1References = 1 # B slice List 1 reference override (0 disable, N <= NumberReferenceFrames)
# 1 List1 reference is usually recommended for normal GOP Structures.
# A larger value is usually more appropriate if a more flexible
# structure is used (i.e. using PyramidCoding)

BReferencePictures = 0 # Referenced B coded pictures (0=off, 1=on)

PyramidCoding = 0 # B pyramid (0= off, 1= 2 layers, 2= 2 full pyramid, 3 = explicit)
ExplicitPyramidFormat = "b1r30b3r20b2e34b0e30b4r22" # Explicit Enhancement GOP. Format is {FrameDisplay_orderReferenceQP}.
# Valid values for reference type is r:reference, e:non reference.
PyramidRefReorder = 1 # Reorder References according to Poc distance for PyramidCoding (0=off, 1=enable)
PocMemoryManagement = 1 # Memory management based on Poc Distances for PyramidCoding (0=off, 1=on)

# SP Frames

SPPicturePeriodicity = 0 # SP-Picture Periodicity (0=not used)
QPSPSlice = 28 # Quant. param of SP-Slices for Prediction Error (0-51)
QPSP2Slice = 27 # Quant. param of SP-Slices for Predicted Blocks (0-51)

# Output Control, NALs

SymbolMode = 1 # Symbol mode (Entropy coding method: 0=UVLC, 1=CABAC)
OutFileMode = 0 # Output file mode, 0:Annex B, 1:RTP
PartitionMode = 0 # Partition Mode, 0: no DP, 1: 3 Partitions per Slice

# CABAC context initialization

ContextInitMethod = 0 # Context init (0: fixed, 1: adaptive)
FixedModelNumber = 0 # model number for fixed decision for inter slices ( 0, 1, or 2 )

# Interlace Handling

PicInterlace = 0 # Picture AFF (0: frame coding, 1: field coding, 2:adaptive frame/field coding)
MbInterlace = 0 # Macroblock AFF (0: frame coding, 1: field coding, 2:adaptive frame/field coding, 3:combined with PicInterlace=0, to do frame MBAFF))
IntraBottom = 0 # Force Intra Bottom at GOP Period

# Weighted Prediction

WeightedPrediction = 0 # P picture Weighted Prediction (0=off, 1=explicit mode)
WeightedBiprediction = 0 # B picture Weighted Prediciton (0=off, 1=explicit mode, 2=implicit mode)
UseWeightedReferenceME = 0 # Use weighted reference for ME (0=off, 1=on)

# Loop filter parameters

LoopFilterParametersFlag = 0 # Configure loop filter (0=parameter below ingored, 1=parameters sent)
LoopFilterDisable = 0 # Disable loop filter in slice header (0=Filter, 1=No Filter)
LoopFilterAlphaC0Offset = 0 # Alpha & C0 offset div. 2, {-6, -5, ... 0, +1, .. +6}
LoopFilterBetaOffset = 0 # Beta offset div. 2, {-6, -5, ... 0, +1, .. +6}

# Error Resilience / Slices

SliceMode = 0 # Slice mode (0=off 1=fixed #mb in slice 2=fixed #bytes in slice 3=use callback)
SliceArgument = 50 # Slice argument (Arguments to modes 1 and 2 above)

num_slice_groups_minus1 = 0 # Number of Slice Groups Minus 1, 0 == no FMO, 1 == two slice groups, etc.
slice_group_map_type = 0 # 0: Interleave, 1: Dispersed, 2: Foreground with left-over,
# 3: Box-out, 4: Raster Scan 5: Wipe
# 6: Explicit, slice_group_id read from SliceGroupConfigFileName
slice_group_change_direction_flag = 0 # 0: box-out clockwise, raster scan or wipe right,
# 1: box-out counter clockwise, reverse raster scan or wipe left
slice_group_change_rate_minus1 = 85 #
SliceGroupConfigFileName = "sg0conf.cfg" # Used for slice_group_map_type 0, 2, 6

UseRedundantSlice = 0 # 0: not used, 1: one redundant slice used for each slice (other modes not supported yet)

# Search Range Restriction / RD Optimization

RestrictSearchRange = 2 # restriction for (0: blocks and ref, 1: ref, 2: no restrictions)
RDOptimization = 1 # rd-optimized mode decision
# 0: RD-off (Low complexity mode)
# 1: RD-on (High complexity mode)
# 2: RD-on (Fast high complexity mode - not work in FREX Profiles)
# 3: with losses
DisableThresholding = 0 # Disable Thresholding of Transform Coefficients (0:off, 1:on)
DisableBSkipRDO = 0 # Disable B Skip Mode consideration from RDO Mode decision (0:off, 1:on)

LossRateA = 10 # expected packet loss rate of the channel for the first partition, only valid if RDOptimization = 2
LossRateB = 0 # expected packet loss rate of the channel for the second partition, only valid if RDOptimization = 2
LossRateC = 0 # expected packet loss rate of the channel for the third partition, only valid if RDOptimization = 2
NumberOfDecoders = 30 # Numbers of decoders used to simulate the channel, only valid if RDOptimization = 2
RestrictRefFrames = 0 # Doesnt allow reference to areas that have been intra updated in a later frame.

# Additional Stuff

UseConstrainedIntraPred = 0 # If 1, Inter pixels are not used for Intra macroblock prediction.
LastFrameNumber = 0 # Last frame number that have to be coded (0: no effect)
ChangeQPI = 16 # QP (I-slices) for second part of sequence (0-51)
ChangeQPP = 16 # QP (P-slices) for second part of sequence (0-51)
ChangeQPB = 18 # QP (B-slices) for second part of sequence (0-51)
ChangeQPBSRefOffset = 2 # QP offset (stored B-slices) for second part of sequence (-51..51)
ChangeQPStart = 0 # Frame no. for second part of sequence (0: no second part)

NumberofLeakyBuckets = 8 # Number of Leaky Bucket values
LeakyBucketRateFile = "leakybucketrate.cfg" # File from which encoder derives rate values
LeakyBucketParamFile = "leakybucketparam.cfg" # File where encoder stores leakybucketparams

NumberFramesInEnhancementLayerSubSequence = 0 # number of frames in the Enhanced Scalability Layer(0: no Enhanced Layer)
NumberOfFrameInSecondIGOP = 0 # Number of frames to be coded in the second IGOP

SparePictureOption = 0 # (0: no spare picture info, 1: spare picture available)
SparePictureDetectionThr = 6 # Threshold for spare reference pictures detection
SparePicturePercentageThr = 92 # Threshold for the spare macroblock percentage

PicOrderCntType = 0 # (0: POC mode 0, 1: POC mode 1, 2: POC mode 2)

#Rate control

RateControlEnable = 0 # 0 Disable, 1 Enable
Bitrate = 45020 # Bitrate(bps)
InitialQP = 24 # Initial Quantization Parameter for the first I frame
# InitialQp depends on two values: Bits Per Picture,
# and the GOP length
BasicUnit = 11 # Number of MBs in the basic unit
# should be a fractor of the total number
# of MBs in a frame
ChannelType = 0 # type of channel( 1=time varying channel; 0=Constant channel)

#Fast Mode Decision
EarlySkipEnable = 1 # Early skip detection (0: Disable 1: Enable)
SelectiveIntraEnable = 1 # Selective Intra mode decision (0: Disable 1: Enable)

Decoder H.264 Decoder.CFG

test.264 ........H.26L coded bitstream
test_dec.yuv ........Output file, YUV/RGB
test_rec.yuv ........Ref sequence (for SNR)
1 ........Write 4:2:0 chroma components for monochrome streams
0 ........NAL mode (0=Annex B, 1: RTP packets)
0 ........SNR computation offset
1 ........Poc Scale (1 or 2)
500000 ........Rate_Decoder
104000 ........B_decoder
73000 ........F_decoder
leakybucketparam.cfg ........LeakyBucket Params

This is a file containing input parameters to the JVT H.264/AVC decoder.
The text line following each parameter is discarded by the decoder.
1 ........NAL mode (0=Telenor bitstream, 1: DPs, RTP packets)

This is a file containing input parameters to the Telenor H.26L decoder.
The text line following each parameter is discarded by the decoder.


Encoder dan Decoder MPEG-4 main.par

# ISO/IEC 14496 (MPEG-4) Video Reference Software
#Version: Microsoft-FPDAM1-1.0-000403
#July 12, 2007



// This is the new parameter file format. The parameters in this file can be
// specified in any order.

// Some parameters can be specified differently for each Video Object Layer
// The number in square brackets indicates the layer. 0 = base, 1 = enhancement
// However, not all parameters with square brackets can be independently specified
// on different scalability layers.

// Texture.IntraDCThreshold
// This has the values 0 to 7, 0 means never code Intra DC values using the AC coef VLC
// table, 7 means always do that. 1 means do that when QP>=13, 2 when QP>=15, 3 when
// QP>=17, 4 when QP>=19, 5 when QP>=21, 6 when QP>=23.

// Temporal scalability information
// Prediction types:
// 0: Enhn P P ...
// Base I P P ...
// 1: Enhn B B B B ...
// Base I P P ...
// 2: Enhn P B B ...
// Base I B P B ...
// Enhancement types:
// Full: Entire region of the base layer is enhanced
// PartC: Partial region is enhanced (with background composition)
// PartNC: Partial region is enhanced (with no background composition)


Version = 904 // parameter file version

// When VTC is enabled, the VTC parameter file is used instead of this one.
VTC.Enable = 0
VTC.Filename = ""

VersionID[0] = 2 // object stream version number (1 or 2)

Source.Width = 352
Source.Height = 288
Source.FirstFrame = 0
Source.LastFrame = 9
Source.ObjectIndex.First = 1
Source.ObjectIndex.Last = 1
Source.FilePrefix = "stefan_176x144_300_e"
Source.Directory = "d:/adekku/tugasakhir"
Source.BitsPerPel = 8
Source.Format [0] = "420" // One of "444", "422", "420"
Source.FrameRate [0] = 10
Source.SamplingRate [0] = 1

Output.Directory.Bitstream = ".\cmp"
Output.Directory.DecodedFrames = ".\hasil_decode"

Not8Bit.Enable = 0
Not8Bit.QuantPrecision = 5

RateControl.Type [0] = "None" // One of "None", "MP4", "TM5"
RateControl.BitsPerSecond [0] = 50000

Scalability [0] = "None" // One of "None", "Temporal", "Spatial"
Scalability.Temporal.PredictionType [0] = 0 // Range 0 to 4
Scalability.Temporal.EnhancementType [0] = "Full" // One of "Full", "PartC", "PartNC"
Scalability.Spatial.EnhancementType [0] = "PartC" // One of "Full", "PartC", "PartNC"
Scalability.Spatial.PredictionType [0] = "PBB" // One of "PPP", "PBB"
Scalability.Spatial.Width [0] = 352
Scalability.Spatial.Height [0] = 288
Scalability.Spatial.HorizFactor.N [0] = 2 // upsampling factor N/M
Scalability.Spatial.HorizFactor.M [0] = 1
Scalability.Spatial.VertFactor.N [0] = 2 // upsampling factor N/M
Scalability.Spatial.VertFactor.M [0] = 1
Scalability.Spatial.UseRefShape.Enable [0] = 0
Scalability.Spatial.UseRefTexture.Enable [0] = 0
Scalability.Spatial.Shape.HorizFactor.N [0] = 2 // upsampling factor N/M
Scalability.Spatial.Shape.HorizFactor.M [0] = 1
Scalability.Spatial.Shape.VertFactor.N [0] = 2 // upsampling factor N/M
Scalability.Spatial.Shape.VertFactor.M [0] = 1

Quant.Type [0] = "H263" // One of "H263", "MPEG"

GOV.Enable [0] = 0
GOV.Period [0] = 0 // Number of VOPs between GOV headers

Alpha.Type [0] = "None" // One of "None", "Binary", "Gray", "ShapeOnly"
Alpha.MAC.Enable [0] = 0
Alpha.ShapeExtension [0] = 0 // MAC type code
Alpha.Binary.RoundingThreshold [0] = 0
Alpha.Binary.SizeConversion.Enable [0] = 0
Alpha.QuantStep.IVOP [0] = 16
Alpha.QuantStep.PVOP [0] = 16
Alpha.QuantStep.BVOP [0] = 16
Alpha.QuantDecouple.Enable [0] = 0
Alpha.QuantMatrix.Intra.Enable [0] = 0
Alpha.QuantMatrix.Intra [0] = {} // { insert 64 comma-separated values }
Alpha.QuantMatrix.Inter.Enable [0] = 0
Alpha.QuantMatrix.Inter [0] = {} // { insert 64 comma-separated values }

Texture.IntraDCThreshold [0] = 0 // See note at top of file
Texture.QuantStep.IVOP [0] = 10
Texture.QuantStep.PVOP [0] = 10
Texture.QuantStep.BVOP [0] = 10
Texture.QuantMatrix.Intra.Enable [0] = 0
Texture.QuantMatrix.Intra [0] = {} // { insert 64 comma-separated values }
Texture.QuantMatrix.Inter.Enable [0] = 0
Texture.QuantMatrix.Inter [0] = {} // { insert 64 comma-separated values }
Texture.SADCT.Enable [0] = 0

Motion.RoundingControl.Enable [0] = 1
Motion.RoundingControl.StartValue [0] = 0
Motion.PBetweenICount [0] = -1
Motion.BBetweenPCount [0] = 2
Motion.SearchRange [0] = 16
Motion.SearchRange.DirectMode [0] = 2 // half-pel units
Motion.AdvancedPrediction.Enable [0] = 0
Motion.SkippedMB.Enable [0] = 1
Motion.UseSourceForME.Enable [0] = 1
Motion.DeblockingFilter.Enable [0] = 0
Motion.Interlaced.Enable [0] = 0
Motion.Interlaced.TopFieldFirst.Enable [0] = 0
Motion.Interlaced.AlternativeScan.Enable [0] = 0
Motion.ReadWriteMVs [0] = "Off" // One of "Off", "Read", "Write"
Motion.ReadWriteMVs.Filename [0] = "MyMVFile.dat"
Motion.QuarterSample.Enable [0] = 0

Trace.CreateFile.Enable [0] = 0
Trace.DetailedDump.Enable [0] = 0

Sprite.Type [0] = "None" // One of "None", "Static", "GMC"
Sprite.WarpAccuracy [0] = "1/2" // One of "1/2", "1/4", "1/8", "1/16"
Sprite.Directory = "\\swinder1\sprite\brea\spt"
Sprite.Points [0] = 0 // 0 to 4, or 0 to 3 for GMC
Sprite.Points.Directory = "\\swinder1\sprite\brea\pnt"
Sprite.Mode [0] = "Basic" // One of "Basic", "LowLatency", "PieceObject", "PieceUpdate"

ErrorResil.RVLC.Enable [0] = 0
ErrorResil.DataPartition.Enable [0] = 0
ErrorResil.VideoPacket.Enable [0] = 0
ErrorResil.VideoPacket.Length [0] = 0
ErrorResil.AlphaRefreshRate [0] = 1

Newpred.Enable [0] = 0
Newpred.SegmentType [0] = "VideoPacket" // One of "VideoPacket", "VOP"
Newpred.Filename [0] = "example.ref"
Newpred.SliceList [0] = "0"

RRVMode.Enable [0] = 0 // Reduced resolution VOP mode
RRVMode.Cycle [0] = 0

Complexity.Enable [0] = 0 // Global enable flag
Complexity.EstimationMethod [0] = 0 // 0 or 1
Complexity.Opaque.Enable [0] = 1
Complexity.Transparent.Enable [0] = 1
Complexity.IntraCAE.Enable [0] = 1
Complexity.InterCAE.Enable [0] = 1
Complexity.NoUpdate.Enable [0] = 1
Complexity.UpSampling.Enable [0] = 1
Complexity.IntraBlocks.Enable [0] = 1
Complexity.InterBlocks.Enable [0] = 1
Complexity.Inter4VBlocks.Enable [0] = 1
Complexity.NotCodedBlocks.Enable [0] = 1
Complexity.DCTCoefs.Enable [0] = 1
Complexity.DCTLines.Enable [0] = 1
Complexity.VLCSymbols.Enable [0] = 1
Complexity.VLCBits.Enable [0] = 1
Complexity.APM.Enable [0] = 1
Complexity.NPM.Enable [0] = 1
Complexity.InterpMCQ.Enable [0] = 1
Complexity.ForwBackMCQ.Enable [0] = 1
Complexity.HalfPel2.Enable [0] = 1
Complexity.HalfPel4.Enable [0] = 1
Complexity.SADCT.Enable [0] = 1
Complexity.QuarterPel.Enable [0] = 1

VOLControl.Enable [0] = 0
VOLControl.ChromaFormat [0] = 0
VOLControl.LowDelay [0] = 0
VOLControl.VBVParams.Enable [0] = 0

VOLControl.Bitrate [0] = 0 // 30 bits
VOLControl.VBVBuffer.Size [0] = 0 // 18 bits
VOLControl.VBVBuffer.Occupancy [0] = 0 // 26 bits

// Move your favorite settings below this line